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February 25, 2010

New!New!...PRIZEWHEEL is here!

PeopleString continues to ad  more exciting features to an already fully loaded social portal! Now you are able to win more prizes and even additional money every time you refer new members to PeopleString.  The New wheel of fortune is a great addition that is sure to ad even more excitement to the site.

When you spin the wheel you can win everything from People Points to cash prizes.  Individuals already earn .50 for every referral and now you can win additional money and prizes as well.

Kudos to PeopleString for rewarding the individuals who bring new members to PeopleString. 

On my first spin I won 25 people points, and when I called other members on my string some of them had won 150 total people points already.

You can spin the wheel by simply clicking on the Prize Wheel button located on your PeopleString homepage.  When you refer a new member and they confirm their email and take their mailbox cashbox survey you will receive a free spin.  So everyone have fun with this new feature and continue to bring new members into PeopleString.

If you aren’t excited yet about PeopleString hopefully features like this will get you going.  It’s time to take PeopleString to the next level, so don’t hold back and make sure you are asking everyone that you know this question.  Are You On PeopleString Yet?


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