How Much Do I Make?
Free members earn 5% of their direct referrals earnings and 2% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6. Entrepreneur members earn 20% of their direct referrals earnings and 6% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6.
When do I get Paid?
Entrepreneur members get paid every 2 weeks and free members get paid once a month. The Minimum payment amount is $25.00. If you do not meet the $25.00 minimum distribution amount, your balance will carry over to your next pay period.
What revenue do I share in?
All revenue from memberships, ads, search and paid placements is distributed to our members.
Am I paid per click?
No, your percentage of the revenues is determined by how many times a month you login not ads you click on.
Should I click on all ads I see?
No, use the web as you normally would. Please don’t click on ads unless you have a genuine interest in the product.
What are Pending Earnings?
Earnings that are waiting a specific action to be confirmed such as entering the code you receive in the mail for the survey. Once you complete the action required, the pending amount will move to your earned money.
How do I receive $0.50 per referral?
When someone you refer signs up you will see $0.50 in pending earnings. When they complete the initial mailbox-cashbox survey and confirm their address it becomes earned money. This is an easy and fast way to start earning money
When You receive your first mailing from PeopleString. In order to enter your personal code and receive $1.50, go to Peoplestring and login. Then click on the Mailbox-CashBox. Then next to the survey on the bottom of your page, click on the Enter Code button and enter your code. You have now earned your $1.50. If you need further assistance, please let us know.
If you have not received the verification post card after 3 weeks of completing your 30 questions survey, you may fax a proof of address such as a utility bill to 732-741-2842. Please make sure that you write your PeopleString username on this bill. Once your address is confirmed, we will activate your mailbox cashbox account. In the meantime, I invite you to earn money through our People Points program, our People Dollars program, shopping through our Shopping Portal, Referring friends and using PeopleString.
Any one from any country can join PeopleString. The MailBox CashBox section will only become active when there are enough members from that specific country to have a campaign. You can still earn money from our People dollars, people shopping, people points, and refer a friend. We are also currently working on a confirmation method for non-US and Canadian users that will not need postal access. You can still get paid for your earned payments without activating your MBCB account.
What do I need to use PeopleString’s Video email?
All you need to use PeopleString’s video email is a video camera or webcam that is hooked up to your computer and a PeopleString email account.
How do I get PeopleString’s Video Email Service?
Video email is a free offering from PeopleString. Signing up for a PeopleString account is simple. Just go to and click on signup to create your free or entrepreneur account.
How do I send a video email?
Sending a video email is simple. When you log in to your PeopleString account, click on the VideoEmail Button In your compose video email page, you will see the following options that allow you to customize how you want an expired message to appear and when you want a message to expire.
Can an Attachment be Added after I Send and Email?
Yes. There are two options. You can either recall a message and resend it with an attachment or you can edit the message and add the attachment. It’s totally up to you.
Can I put a picture in an email?
Yes. You can insert your picture into an e-mail message that is composed on the website. Then you can select the number of times (from one to infinity) that you want the receiver to be able to view the message. You can also make the image very difficult to print or save on the recipient’s computer.
Can PeopleString emails be printed or saved?
The sender of an email has the option to select whether or not the recipient can print or save an email. If the sender chooses the non-print/non-save feature, then the email, while looking like every other email, will print nothing when the receiver clicks print on the computer and show nothing if the receiver tries to save the text or image. Remember that PeopleString emails cannot be cut and pasted either. This really leaves few options for saving an email by a recipient such as taking a photograph of the screen.
What is tracking?
Sending email regular with tracking, recallable or quick destruct allows you to see if an email has been read, how many times it has been read and the ip address that had read the email. To track your sent mail click on your edit sent folder and scroll over a number of views to see all the available information.
Do you read my mail?
Never, privacy is very important to us and we never view your messages.
What happens to the messages when they self-destruct?
Once a message self-destructs there is no record of the message on any computer or server anywhere, they are completely gone. The receiver and you will still see that a message has been sent but the message will be gone forever.
Can the messages be printed, copied, saved or print screened?
If you choose the hard to print option, your messages protected from printing, copying, being saved or print screened.
What IM services can I use PeopleString’s IM with?
AIM, Yahoo, GTalk, MSN currently can be logged into from PeopleString IM. You can log into multiple screen names on any of the services at one time.
How do I send a Picture or Image?
Click on the Picture icon on the lower right hand corner of your IM Window. Select your image and hit Insert. The picture should automatically appear in your chat box and be sent with the time settings that you have chosen for destruction.
How do I block someone from contacting me?
The block feature disables any user from contacting you. Right click on the buddy to display a dropdown menu. Select block user from this menu.
How do I delete a buddy from my list?
Right click on the buddy you wish to delete from your friends and click the “delete buddy” icon. They will then be off your list.
How do I add a buddy to my list?
Click on the + button on your buddy list. Type your buddies name and click add.
When Am I Going To Receive More Mailbox Cashbox Offers?
I know you are not suppose to answer a question with a question but I have to ask you, have you personally referred 10 active members to PeopleString yet? The reason I ask you that is because, if you joined Peoplestring and you are not doing your job, which is to refer new active members and then train them on how to use the website you will not receive mailbox cashbox deals. I am not saying that you will only get deals if you refer members, what I am saying is that everyone must do there part to build the demographics so we all can see more offers. Businesses are eager and willing to mail to us but it is up to the members to continue to build PeopleString brand and let everyone know about this great opportunity.
Why Should I Upgrade To The Entrepreneur Package?
The first thing you need to know is the Entrepreneur program is not going to be around forever. The entrepreneurs are needed to help train the free members. So If you want to build a business with PeopleString then you want to position yourself to make the maximum revenue possible. Ask yourself these 3 questions. Do you like PeopleString? Do you want to make a lot of money with PeopleString? Then why wouldn’t you upgrade to become an entrepreneur? Have you ever heard the statement that it is hard to sell a product that you don’t believe in? Although with PeopleString there is nothing to buy and nothing to sell some people will perceive it as you not believing in the opportunity IF you are not at the highest level yourself. If you are here to just make some extra bucks then you should stay a free member and just have fun with the website.
Do You Get Stock When You Become A PeopleString Entreprenuer?
Absolutely NOT!
When Will I See The Advertising Revenue In My Account?
It usually takes 45-60 Days to see your first share of the advertising revenue. To qualify just login and make sure you are using PeopleString as your home page. All of the advertising fees and the money must be calculated and looked at thoroughly. Each Individuals People Points must be evaluated to ensure people were not manipulating the system. The ad revenue does pass through your string, so YES you do get a percentage of the advertising revenue that your team generates as well. This is the main reason I am here with PeopleString!
Is PeopleString A Publicly Traded Company?
Are former parent company Bigsrtring is publicly traded but PeopleString is Not. At least NOT YET, according to the CEO of PeopleStrings blog Darin Myman, the paperwork has been filed to take the necessary steps to becoming a publicly traded company. Exciting!
Can You Really Make Money With PeopleString?
Absolutly, I love seeing my checks coming on the 1st & 15th. Can you make money with Amway, Pre Paid Legal or any of the 100’s of network marketing companies out there. You are going to get out what you put in. So if you are looking for PeopleString to make you rich and you think you can just sit back and get rich opening your mail it probably won’t happen for you. BUT if you expose people to this opportunity and then direct them to this website, I guarantee you that majority of them will at the very least understand the big picture of PeopleString. This alone is going to give you a much better chance to have success.
Why Do I Have To Wait To Get The PeopleString Card In The Mail?
By you confirming you mailing address makes you eligible to receive future Mailbox Cashbox offers. This makes the PeopleString data of active members very profitable. Most direct mail services mailing list are not very accurate so by you actually getting your card, activating your code and getting paid makes PeopleString very attractive to advertisers!
What Does The Card look Like That Comes In The Mail?
The card looks like a post card. It looks very similar to the PeopleString Cards that can be purchased on the homepage. It will have your 6 digit code on the back of it.How Do I Activate The Code?
When You receive your first mailing from PeopleString. In order to enter your personal code and receive $1.50, go to Peoplestring and login. Then click on the Mailbox-CashBox. Then next to the survey on the bottom of your page, click on the Enter Code button and enter your code. You have now earned your $1.50. If you need further assistance, please let us know.
3 Weeks And Still No Card In The mail?
If you have not received the verification post card after 3 weeks of completing your 30 questions survey, you may fax a proof of address such as a utility bill to 732-741-2842. Please make sure that you write your PeopleString username on this bill. Once your address is confirmed, we will activate your mailbox cashbox account. In the meantime, I invite you to earn money through our People Points program, our People Dollars program, shopping through our Shopping Portal, Referring friends and using PeopleString.
Other Countries & Mailbox Cashbox?
Any one from any country can join PeopleString. The MailBox CashBox section will only become active when there are enough members from that specific country to have a campaign. You can still earn money from our People dollars, people shopping, people points, and refer a friend. We are also currently working on a confirmation method for non-US and Canadian users that will not need postal access. You can still get paid for your earned payments without activating your MBCB account.