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Amazing Wayne Sanders!

I was recovering from a stroke when I found out about peoplestring.  The stroke was a mild one as strokes go but it affected my speech, my vision, and I had to learn to write again.  I had been encouraged to use my computer to increase my hand eye coordination. I had an interest in internet marketing but I never found anything that was working for me. I spent a lot of time and money and was not getting any where. I was mulling over giving it up. Then I ran across the peoplestring digital real estate report.

That was in April 2009. I then joined and after attending a webinar and speaking with Bruce, I upgraded as soon as I was able to set aside the money. I am on a fixed income and money was tight, but I had a look at the peoplestring vision and decided to make it my vision too. I have had a lot of technical problems to overcome.  Old equipment to work with. An unreliable internet connection. Sometimes a week would go by without me being able to log in to anything. I just never gave up and never will. I am gaining momentum.

My frontline is nearly 700 free members strong and 4 entrepreneurs.  My string is 6 levels deep and over 1600 already and I knew nothing when I started, only basic skills with a computer. You just have to have faith in your ability to grow. My story is just a tiny part of the peoplestring story and I am happy to be here and proud to be a part of this great story of peoplestring .

Meet Chase Swift!

My PeopleString story started in June, 2008, when I received a call from Sherri Kirklin. She had noticed my videos and was wondering if I could help her get sign-up’s for an auto responder that I was promoting. I gave her permission to use one of my videos and helped her with a basic capture page and in the next 30 days she sponsored an amazing 350 people herself. Needless to say, Sherri Kirklin and I became very close friends and business partners.

Then, in September, Sherri emailed me a message about a site called “PeopleString.” Since I knew it must have value I asked her to “Show and Tell” me all about it in my webinar room. Sherri invited Lenny Cocco and the two of them spent about 45 minutes explaining PeopleString to me. 

After 15 minutes I was thinking to myself, “Sherri just send me your link!”
So I began marketing PeopleString in late September and have loved every minute of it. Because of my previous experience with online marketing and using an autoresponder, my PeopleString sign-up’s and, more importantly my follow-up, are all automated.
I now teach anyone who wants to learn these vital techniques in my web room. I do training during the week on all aspects of the methods I use to automate my PeopleString business, from traffic exchanges and safelists to text ad exchanges, Facebook, Craig’s List, YouTube and more.

Online Business are all about the relationships that you build and helping other people be successful before you become successful.
Many of you have seen my Youtube Videos, “How To Make Money In PeopleString: People Points!” and I’m amazed it has received over 11,000 views in three weeks.
I’m so excited about the future of PeopleString and my current numbers as of February 19, 2009 were 5,287 Free Members and 80 Entrepreneurs in my String.
So I’d like to thank Lenny Cocco, Sherri Kirklin, Joe Sansoucie and Carol Cash for being my partners in many things, but most importantly, PeopleString!

 Super Sherri Kirklin

I’ve been involved in Network Marketing for over 10 years and tried several things. Maybe you can relate with me.  I was hopping from one opportunity to the next. I became a member of the NFL (no friends left  club) rather quickly! So 4 years ago, I made a decision to market my opportunity 100% online. During the last 4 years online, I’ve met many other like minded network marketing leaders and have been trained by some of the best internet marketers.

One day, Dr. Lenny Cocco joined my online business team and we talked on the phone quite a bit. He kept calling and telling me about PeopleString for about 3 weeks before I finally listened. Boy do I regret taking so long. He did a little “show and tell” for me about the site and I saw right away how, as an online business person, I could make money doing the things I do already, every day on the internet.  I check email every day, visit FaceBook, network with other people, visit my favorite sites, shop from time to time, etc. I decided to “kick the tires”, as Lenny said, and just use the site for a week and see how I liked it. After a week I was hooked. The site really helped me stay organized and it was really fun watching my PeoplePoints go up every day. I attended one of my first “PeopleString Story” webinars with Bruce and Darin and I caught the vision of where PeopleString was going. I upgraded to entrepreneur that day!

I knew that every other online business partner of mine needed to hear about PeopleString so I arranged a private webinar for one of my business partners and he caught the vision right away. We introduced PeopleString to our team and many great leaders have joined us.  Many of them continue to thank me for sharing this with them.  In 5 months, I’ve personally sponsored over 700 people but with the help of many great leaders, my string is nearing 14,000 with nearly 300 entrepreneurs!

The think I like most is that it’s so easy to share PeopleString. It’s even easy to tell my friends and family! People join for free and start making money right away!  There’s no monthly fee, no autoship, nothing to buy, nothing to sell. Well, we can sell Black Grape if we want to. Personally I do. I love it and have found that many others do too. It’s become a nice side income for me and my family. The Mailbox-Cashbox area is awesome. This month we saved $500 a year on our insurance by getting a new quote through the NetQuote offer and made $3 just for asking for a quote!

Using PeopleString and teaching others to use PeopleString is easy and anyone can become an expert quickly.  What’s even more cool is that all of us work together to grow the string and as we do, more advertising revenue comes to the string and we al l share in it.
To grow my string, I advertise all over the internet on many free sites. I invest a portion of my profits into paid advertising. People join and then my role is just to help and support them. 


People love it when you call them up after they’ve joined and just offer your friendship and support. I’ve met lots of great networking leaders and many are building huge strings. I think the fortune is in the follow up. I have a system that welcomes people and teaches them the most important things they need to know about PeopleString.

I’m no longer a member of the NFL (no friends left club). And I’m no longer shopping for the greatest opportunity. I’ve found it.  I’ve met some really wonderful people online and with PeopleString.   I believe fortunes will be made here and I feel incredibly blessed to be par t of this history making event.